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The Balkans – Towards Euro-Atlantic Integration



Center for European Studies
3324 Turlington Hall
PO Box 117342
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 294-7142
(352) 392-8966 (fax)

June 24-26, 2008 in Montenegro.

The Center for European Studies (CES) co-sponsored the 69th Rose-Roth Seminar “The Balkans – Towards Euro-Atlantic Integration” held in Montenegro June 24th – 26th 2008. As a result of CES support Amie Kreppel (Director of the CES and Jean Monnet Chair), Catherine Messina Pajic (Deputy Regional Director, Central and Eastern Europe, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) and Milada Vachudova (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina) were able to participate in this important Rose-Roth Seminar on the current and future status of the Balkan region.

The Rose-Roth program is organized by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels. The bi-annual seminars organized within the framework of the Rose-Roth Program are intended to facilitate dialog between parliamentarians and other policy makers, as well as the academic and NGO communities, with the goal of integrating legislators from partner countries into Assembly activities and providing education and training on relevant topics with a focus on democratization, institutional development and security related issues.