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Current & Past Courses

Summer B 2025 Courses

Area Study Courses
Course NumberCourse TitleInstructorMeeting Time
EUS 2003European Experience: Social Studies PerspectiveAsli BaysalM-F 3


Fall 2025 Courses

Area Study Courses
Course NumberCourse TitleInstructor Meeting Time
EUS 2150Europe's Food EnvironmentAgata KowalewskaT 8-9, R 9
EUS 3100/ENG 4310Modern Czech CinemaHolly RaynardT 5-6, R 6; Screening R E1-E3
EUS 3115/ASH 3931Istanbul: Global CityEmrah SahinMWF 5
EUS 3930/POS 4931Rules, Authority, & Law: European and US PerspectivesAlexander PanayotovT 2-3, R 3
EUS 3930/CLA 3114Greece: Yesterday and TodayChrysostomos KostopoulosT 5-6, R 6
EUS 3930/CPO 3614East European PoliticsConor O'DwyerMWF 7
EUS 3930/EUH 3931Marx & Money: Socialist Economies in Eastern EuropeEdit NagyT 4, R 4-5
EUS 3930/JST 3930Politics of Holocaust MemoryEsther RomeynMWF 6
EUS 3930/POS 4931Law and Privacy in Europe and the USAlexander PanayotovT 4, R 4-5
FRW 3930/EUS 3930/JST 3930The Dreyfus AffairGayle ZachmannMWF 6
EUS 4210/POS 4931Politics and Institutions of the European UnionAmie KreppelMWF 7
EUS 4212Politics of European Economic IntegrationCorinne TomasiMWF 8
EUS 4214/POS 4931Turkey and the EU: History and PoliticsAsli BaysalT 8-9, R 9
EUS 4930State Building in EuropeAsli BaysalT 7, R 7-8
EUS 4930/CPO 4144Social Movements in EuropeConor O'DwyerMWF 5
INR 4262/EUS 4930Russian Foreign PolicyBryon MoraskiT 2-3, R 3
EUS 4944/POS 4931EU Cultural PoliticsEsther RomeynMWF 4
EUS 6005Intro to European StudiesAsli BaysalW 8
Language Courses
Course NumberCourse TitleInstructorMeeting Time
CZE 1130Intoduction to Czech Language IHolly RaynardMWF 4
CZE 1130Online Introduction to Czech Language IHolly RaynardTBA
CZE 2200Intermediate Czech IHolly RaynardMWF 7
GRK 1130Beginning Modern Greek IChrysostomos KostopoulosMWF 5
HNG 1130Beginning Hungarian IEdit NagyTWR 3, MF Online
HNG 1130Online Beginning Hungarian IEdit NagyTBA
HNG 2220Intermediate Hungarian IEdit NagyTBA
EUS 3938Advanced HungarianEdit NagyTBA
POL 1130Introduction to Polish Language IAgata KowalewskaM-F 3
POL 1130Online Introduction to Polish Language IAgata KowalewskaTBA
POL 2220Intermediate Polish IAgata KowalewskaM-R 4
TUR 1130Beginning Turkish IEmrah SahinM-F 3
TUR 1130Online Beginning Turkish IEmrah SahinTBA
TUR 2220Intermediate Turkish IEmrah SahinMWF 4