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Bitcoin Adoption Around the World panel

Join CES at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami for the Bitcoin Around the World panel on Wednesday, 1/19, 2:00pm

Dr. Isak Nti Asare, Associate Director, Cybersecurity and Global Policy Program at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington

Dr. Tejwansh (Tej) Singh Anand, Academic Director, MS in Information Systems at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland

Ms. Marloes Pomp, Coordinator Working Group International, Netherlands AI Coalition

James Ruffer, Founder, web3devs

This panel will discuss cryptocurrency and blockchain technology from a global perspective. The panel of academics and practitioners will present on how this technology is used, will be used, and should be used today and in the future:

Dr. Nti Asare:
The siren call of crypto currency as a viable alternative for fiat currencies as a store of wealth or means of exchange distract from the truly transformational opportunities presented by crypto enabled blockchains and other technologies. I will provide a content analysis of the global rhetoric around cryptocurrencies and provide recommendations for how to progress the discussions to broader and more useful adoptions of cryptocurrencies and the technologies that they enable.

Dr. Tej Anand:
In this presentation, I will focus on the original goal of creating a medium of exchange that guarantees trust. In order to do so, we should limit our implementation to smaller “communities or ecosystems” that exist “naturally,” i.e., they exchange value among themselves, yet do not trust each other, such as U.S. and Indian health care systems. For ease of adoption, I believe such a system would work best with a stablecoin, pegged to the currency used by the specific community.

Ms. Pomp:
In my presentation I will talk about what’s happening in the Netherlands regarding the development of a digital identity and the use cases where the Dutch Blockchain Coalition and the European Blockchain Partnership are working on, such as the adoption of cryptocurrency by the younger generations in use in the ticket industry and digital fashion.

Dr. Isak Nti Asare is the Associate Director and Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Cybersecurity and Global Policy Program at Indiana University-Bloomington. He is also Senior Associate at Oxford Insights and the Co-founder and Executive Director for AI and Linguistics at FairFrame – a startup using machine learning and natural language processing to identify implicit bias in text. Isak has advised national and local governments on the strategic, cultural and leadership opportunities from digital transformation, data, and artificial intelligence: He is co-author of Mexico’s National AI strategy, a co-founder of the UK cross-governmental community of practice on AI, and co-author of Stockton, California’s AI strategy – the first city-led AI strategy in the United States. He has done consulting work for clients including the OECD, the Open Data Institute, The Transparency Initiative, The UK Government Digital Service, and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. As an IU faculty member, Isak teaches courses on policy for emerging technologies.

Dr. Tejwansh (Tej) Singh Anand is a Clinical Professor of Practice and the Academic Director for the MS in Information Systems programs at the Robert H. Smith School of Business. Tej spent the first 10 years of his career working in AI and Data research and product development in companies such as Philips Research Laboratories, NCR/Teradata, A. C. Nielsen, and NCR/Teradata. Tej spent the last 20 years of his career as a senior business-technology executive in companies such as Golden Books, CA Technologies. Medco Health Solutions and CareCentrix. Tej’s research interests include blockchain governance, firm-wide analytics maturity, technology ethics and traits of business leaders for successful technology adoption. Tej is also a visiting lecturer at the School of Professional Studies, Columbia University and was previously an Assistant Clinical Professor at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas in Austin.

Ms. Marloes Pomp is a tech-enthusiast with a passion for public services and social assignments. She is a frequent public speaker at international tech events. Marloes is responsible for the international partnerships within the Netherlands AI Coalition, a member of the steering committee of the European AI Forum and a Liaison of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition. She has also set up a Blockchain and AI Innovation program for the Dutch government. The aim of the program was to start experiments to learn with larger groups of organizations about the application possibilities of the technology. Marloes serves as an Advisory Board member to the SIDN Fund, the Dutch Court and The Blockchain the Society Board of the University of Amsterdam (VU).

Mr. James Ruffer is the Found of web3devs, a boutique blockchain, Crypto, and NFT development shop. James is a blockchain developer and fintech expert. He has deployed blockchain peer to peer, Defi, and NFT solutions throughout the USA, Europe, Caribbean and Latin America since 2016. He has been attending TNABC since the beginning.

With funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center grant and in partnership with the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business and Indiana University Institute for International Business