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Cross-listing a Course with CES

Timeline and Procedures for Course Cross-listing Request

Thank you for your interest in cross-listing a course with the Center for European Studies. Many courses with a European Studies focus taught in other units count toward our minors and certificate programs. This policy specifies the procedures and requirements for classes that will be taught by instructors from other units to be cross-listed with a EUS prefix.

If you would like your class to be cross-listed, we welcome the opportunity. Cross-listed courses should devote at least 25% of their content to European, or European Union topics. Instructors need not be affiliated with the Center for a class to be considered for cross-listing.

Cross-listing a course is a commitment to students and the Center that your unit will offer the cross-listed section. Therefore, it is important to have administrative commitment from your unit to cross-list a course prior to requesting it with the Center. All requests must be accompanied by a prospective syllabus that conforms to all requirements of the UF syllabus policy. Textbooks must be submitted for adoption by the University deadline for the semester in which the course is offered, for the CES section in addition the cross-listed sections.

In order to facilitate the review of cross-listing requests, and to maximize opportunities for full and timely enrollment in these courses, we have established the following deadlines and procedures:

  • If your class has been cross-listed with the Center within the past two years, please indicate the course name and code on the submission page on our website (forthcoming) and express your interest in repeating the cross-listing.
  • For classes not cross-listed with the Center within the last two years, please submit a syllabus for consideration to the submission page on our website. It will be reviewed by members of CES’ curriculum committee.
  • In either of the above cases, please submit the form below no later than March 15 for Fall or Summer cross-listing and October 15 for Spring cross-listing.


Course Cross-Listing Request

ex. POS0000
ex. Film and TV in Europe
Have you cross-listed the course with CES in the past two years?(Required)
Max. file size: 15 MB.
Please upload your syllabus if you have never cross-listed this course with CES, or it has been longer than two years.


Bogdan Dumitru
Associate Director
3324A Turlington Hall
(352) 392-0271