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Larry DiMatteo

Huber Hurst Professor

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Professor DiMatteo received his J.D. from the Cornell Law School; his LL.M. from Harvard Law School; and received a Ph.D. in Business and Commercial Law from the University of Monash (Australia). In 2012, he won the University of Florida’s oldest and most prestigious award—University of Florida Teacher-Scholar of the Year. Professor DiMatteo is the former Editor-in-Chief of the American Business Law Journal. He is the author or co-author of some 75 publications including 10 books and more than 40 law review articles. His books include, Comparative Contract Law: British and American Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2016) (with M. Hogg); International Sales Law: Principles, Contracts and Practice (C.H. Beck, Hart, & Nomos 2016) (with Janssen, Schulze & Magnus); Global Challenge of International Sales Law (Larry A. DiMatteo ed. Cambridge University Press 2014), Commercial Contract Law: A Transatlantic Perspective (Larry A. DiMatteo, et al. eds. Cambridge University Press 2012), Law of International Contracting (Kluwer Law International 3d. ed. 2013), Visions of Contract Theory: Rationality, Bargaining, and Interpretation (with Prentice, Morant & Barnhizer) (Carolina Academic Press 2007), International Business Law: A Transactional Approach (with Dhooge) (West 2006), International Law of Sales (with Dhooge, Greene, Maurer & Pagnattaro) (Cambridge University Press 2005), and Contract Theory: The Evolution of Contractual Intent (Michigan State University Press 1998). Professor DiMatteo was awarded a 2012 Fulbright Professorship to conduct research at the University of Sofia. Professor DiMatteo has also been a Visiting Professor at the University of Münster; Bocconi University; University of Catania; Leverhulme Trust Grant Visiting Professor at the University of Leicester; University of Warsaw; and City University Hong Kong.