Consulting Faculty
Marcel Lewandowsky is Consulting Faculty at the Center for European Studies. His research and teaching focuses on comparative politics with special regard to parties and party systems, populism in Europe and the political system of Germany. He received his doctoral degree in 2013 with a study on German regional election campaigns from the University of Bonn, Germany. From 2012 to 2013, he was a lecturer at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, whereas from 2013 until summer 2019, Prof. Lewandowsky worked as a lecturer at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg. Currently, he is an interim professor at the University of Greifswald.
Recent Publications
“Fighting for a lost cause? Availability of populist radical right voters for established parties. The case of Germany.” Representation 2020 (with Aiko Wagner).
„Aufstand der Außenseiter. Die Herausforderung der europäischen Politik durch den neuen Populismus.“ Nomos: Baden-Baden 2022 (Edited with Frank Decker, Bernd Henningsen, and Philipp Adorf).
“New parties, populism, and parliamentary polarization. Evidence from plenary debates in the German Bundestag.” in: Michael Oswald (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Populism. Palgrave: Basingstoke 2022, pp. 611-627 (with Julia Schwanholz, Christoph Leonhardt and Andreas Blätte).
“Promoting or Controlling Political Decisions? Citizen Preferences for Direct-Democratic Institutions in Germany.” German Politics 29 (2): 180-200 (with Florian Grotz).