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Suggest a Speaker

Have a suggestion about a guest speaker on a European topic?
Click here to suggest a speaker.

To suggest a potential speaker for the CES speakers’ series complete the form below in as much detail as possible. You must include the requested information on expected costs (travel, lodging, etc.), other sponsors (potential or confirmed) and honorariums (if these are expected).

If your suggestion is adopted, CES will contact you directly prior to making any additional contact with the potential speaker to confirm all details.

Please note: if approved, in addition to financial support, the CES will provide the following:

  • Help with advertising the talk, by preparing and posting flyers, sending announcements in listservs, and postings on the CES, CLAS, UFIC and UF calendars.
  • Relevant chartfield information to the appropriate administrative personnel in the home department of the faculty hosting the speaker.

The hosting faculty is expected to:

  • Inform the CES Outreach Coordinator about the date, time and location of the event, as soon as those are confirmed. Notify CES Outreach Coordinator about any subsequent changes of the date, time and location of the event. The CES Outreach Coordinator can be reached via email or by calling (352) 294-7152.
  • Request pre-approval from the CES for all travel arrangements. For international travel, we require a minimum of 30 business-days prior notice.
  • As necessary, provide copies of receipts and paperwork for speaker expenses paid by the CES.
  • Complete a CES outreach event report (to be provided by the CES Outreach Coordinator) and submit to the CES within 5 business days of the conclusion of the event.
  • If applicable distribute and return event evaluation forms.

Unless specifically requested and approved by the CES Director, the CES will not be responsible for:

  • Scheduling of the talk, finding and reserving appropriate venue.
  • Purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, processing travel authorization and travel expense forms, and anything else related to the speaker’s travel. The hosting faculty should coordinate with the administrative staff in their home department about making travel arrangements and compliance with UF travel policies.
  • Processing honoraria, speaker fees, and the related tax and (if applicable) foreign national forms. The CES does not have the staff resources to assist with issuing social security numbers and/or business visas for foreign speakers. It would be the responsibility of the hosting faculty to verify that the invited foreign speaker is eligible to receive payment by UF. The hosting faculty should coordinate with the administrative staff in their home department about processing applicable payment of the speaker.

Lodging Accommodations

This note concerns those situations when the CES arranges lodging arrangements for the visiting speaker(s). Once the CES staff has made and/or paid for lodging, the accommodated venue cannot be changed without a minimum of 10 business days notice prior to the first night of the speaker’s stay. If the inviting faculty wishes to provide the speaker(s) with lodging options, this should be discussed before any final arrangements are made.
Should the invited speaker(s) wish to change their lodging accommodations last minute, they (or the inviting faculty) will be solely responsible for the cost of the lodging, regardless of any CES prior commitments to cover lodging expenses. The CES will not under any circumstances pay or provide reimbursement for last minute changes of lodging accommodations.


  • In accordance with the primary goals of the Title VI program as defined by the US Department of Education the CES can only fund activities related directly to contemporary or modern Europe. For the purposes of the Title VI program and the current mandate of the CES “Europe” is defined as all Western European countries as well as all EU member states and all states with formal EU applicant or accession status. The “contemporary and modern” period dates from the 19th century through the present. Topics focused on other regions/countries or earlier time periods can only be funded if the relevance for some aspect of “contemporary Europe” is an explicit and central theme. Questions about the applicability of a subject or speaker should be referred to the CES Director, Amie Kreppel.
  • Please be aware that the CES must comply with significant State and Federal restrictions on travel, travel-related and honorarium expenditures.
  • The CES cannot, under any circumstances, reimburse guests or UF employees for costs/expenses incurred prior to the decision of the CES to sponsor a speaker or for those incurred after this decision, but without explicit prior approval by CES for each travel related expense.

Suggest a Speaker

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