Instructional Professor
Current Courses
- Urban Cultures in Europe
- Intro to Refugee Studies
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tuesdays | 11:50 am - 1:50 pm
or by appointment
Contact Information
My work is broadly interdisciplinary, and borrows from Memory Studies, Critical Race Studies, Holocaust Studies, Jewish Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Migration and Nationality Studies, Political Philosophy and Performance Studies.
I currently teach courses with a regional focus on Europe and a thematic focus on: The politics of Holocaust Memory, Urban Studies, Migration Studies, Refugee Studies, Critical Theory and the Politics of Culture.
My publications converge around an interest in the importance of narratives in ordering political realities and forging collective identities. I decipher the narratives embedded in collective memory practices, Holocaust memory, migration debates, the representation of migrants and refugees in media and film, and trace the intellectual genealogies, ideational fault lines and power struggles of which they are the expression.
Street Scenes: Staging the Self in Immigrant New York, 1880-1924 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008), 268 pp.
Let There Be Laughter: Jewish Humor in America. (co-author J. Kugelmass) (Chicago: Spertus Institute for Jewish Studies, 1997)
Romeyn, Esther (2018) “Breaking and Entering: neoliberal urbanism, serial sociality and the stranger,” Studies in European Cinema, 1-16.
Romeyn, Esther (2016)
“Liberal Tolerance and Its Hauntings: Moral Compasses, Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia,” Journal of European Cultural Studies, pp. 1-18
Romeyn, Esther (2014)
“Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Spectropolitics and Immigration,” Theory, Culture and Society 31(6) 77–101
Romeyn, Esther (2014) “Asylum Seekers, Citizenship and Reality TV in the Netherlands: Quizzing Refugees in Jeopardy,” Citizenship Studies 18 (6-7), 741-757
My current book project, “Spectropolitics: Holocaust Memory, Migration and Citizenship in the Netherlands,” is a series of essays, in which I explore the ways in which, in the Netherlands, the contemporary migration debate intersects with memory of WWII, Jews and the Holocaust.