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Affiliate Faculty

Affiliated faculty at the Center for European Studies represent faculty from a wide range of departments and colleges across campus. While their appointments reside outside of the Center, they devote at least 25% of their research, teaching, and/or service to the study of Europe.

Affiliate faculty are eligible for CES course and travel awards, research grants, funding for books, and much more. The Center will cross-list relevant courses taught by affiliates at their request, and eligible courses can be counted toward the CES undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Interested in becoming a European Studies affiliated faculty member? Please send:

  • CV
  • A brief paragraph on your research, teaching, and/or service related to Europe

Materials and questions can be sent to Corinne Tomasi (

Current Affiliate Faculty

Email: jeaaron

Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Email: halarian

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

Harry Rich Professor of Holocaust Studies, Bud Shorstein Center for Jewish Studies

Email: lacastro

Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Email: landerso

Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: canthony

B.O. Smith Assistant Professor of Education, College of Education

Email: polssdw

Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: bernhard

Raymond and Miriam Ehrlich Eminent Scholar Chair, Department of Political Science

Professor, Department of History

Email: sylblum

Professor, Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures

Email: jbritland

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Digital Humanities

associate professor at the College of Journalism and Communications

Email: aceobanu

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law

Email: mcitim

Associate Instructor, School of Music

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Email: difino

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Huber Hurst Professor, Warrington College of Business

Huber Hurst Professor, Warrington College of Business

Email: freifeld

Emeritus Professor, Department of History

Email: pgilbert

Albert Brick Professor, Department of English

Email: mgorham

Professor, Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures

Email: harlandj

Associate Professor, Department of History

Email: tharpold

Associate Professor, Department of English

Placeholder image for a headshot
Email: hartm

Professor, Department of History

Email: hozic

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: jensont

Associate Instructional Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology

Email: gkepic

Senior Associate Instructor, CLAS Advising

Email: tkcox

Associate Professor of Sociology

Privatdozent, Universität Greifswald

Email: matytsina

Associate Professor, Department of History

Email: mennel

Professor, Center for the Humanities in the Public Sphere

Assistant Professor, School of Music

Email: rnolan

Associate Instructional Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: dostroff

Professor and Chair, Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology

Email: reid

Professor, Department of English

Email: jsain

Professor, School of Music, Composition

Email: zselden

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: rsilveri

Assistant Professor, School of Art + Art History

Email: ssmith

Professor, Department of English

Email: bsmocovi

Professor, Department of History

Placeholder image for a headshot
Email: sorbille

Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Email: aulanow

Associate Professor, Department of English

Email: puparela

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies

Email: zachmann

Associate Professor, Department of Languages, Literature, and Cultures