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Course Enhancement Grants

Application Deadline : April 4, 2025

The UF Center for European Studies announces a competition for faculty Course Enhancement Grants in the amount of $3,000 per grant, not including fringe.

Course enhancement includes, but is not limited to, the incorporation of contemporary European Union or European content in courses not traditionally associated with European Union or European studies. We encourage proposals from all colleges across the UF campus.

We will consider proposals in the following two categories:

  1. Proposals that include content on contemporary European subjects. These are courses in which a minimum 20% of the coursework/course time would be directly related to Europe or European subjects broadly defined upon revision of the course. Proposals for enhanced courses may be in any area or department and at the undergraduate or graduate level, but priority will be given to those courses with the potential to attract students from a broad array of disciplines and we especially encourage proposals from fields and departments where there are currently few European or Europe-related course offerings and from the professional schools.
  2. Proposals that include content on the European Union. These are courses in which at least 20% of the coursework/course time would be specifically and directly related to the European Union itself after revision. Topics could include the history, evolution, institution, politics, policies of the EU, or current developments and/or EU relations with the outside world. It is NOT sufficient or acceptable for courses proposed in this category to focus on individual countries within the EU without an explicit EU focus. Courses that focus specifically on individual countries or groups of countries within the EU rather than the EU per se will not be considered in this category (and should be submitted under category 1).

Applicants may submit a maximum of one proposal per category, and a maximum of one proposal per applicant will be awarded. Course enhancements funded by the CES may not also be funded by another UF unit.

How to Apply:

All permanent (non-visiting or adjunct) UF faculty are eligible to apply. The following application materials should be sent to by the application deadline:

  • The full syllabus of the existing course (without the additional European or EU content)
  • Detailed description of the proposed revision, including
    1. How the revision will improve the quality of the course and will include either EU or European content, depending upon the proposal category.
    2. Description of the current audience, the average undergraduate enrollment and information on how frequently the course is offered. The breadth of expected student audience is as important as overall numbers and proposals for lower division, upper division, and graduate courses are welcome.
  • Statement from the Department Chair of applicant’s home department or appropriate supervisor stipulating that the faculty member, as part of their normal teaching load, will offer the enhanced course within one academic year (preferable) or two academic years of the award and that attempts will be made to offer it a minimum of once every two years thereafter.
  • A current CV of the applicant.

Grantees are required to submit a revised course syllabus, as well as a brief summary of the activities pursued or course modifications made, to CES by the end of the semester before they will offer the enhanced course (at least 2 weeks before the end of the semester). Failure to comply will make the recipient ineligible for all future CES grants and a formal letter of non-compliance will be provided to the faculty member’s department chair.