EUS 3036/CLA 3930 | Balkans: History, Culture, and Politics | Chrys Kostopoulos | T 5-6, R 6 |
EUS 3100/ENG 4135 | Modern Czech Cinema | Holly Raynard | T 8-9, R 9; Screening E1-E3 |
EUS 3130 | The "Other" Europe | Esther Romeyn | T 7, R 7-8 |
EUS 3221 | Socialist Control and Resistance | Edit Nagy | T 4, R 4-5 |
EUS 3900 | Afropean | Amie Kreppel & Lisa Booth | T 9 |
EUS 3930/POS 4931 | Party Systems in Europe | Marcel Lewandowsky | MWF 7 |
EUS 3930/POS 4931 | Social Movements & Politics in Europe | Conor O'Dwyer | MWF 3 |
EUS 3930/ANT 3930 | European Cultural Interactions with Plants | Richard Tate | T 2-3, R 3 |
EUS 3930/ASH 3931 | $ and the Bible in the Middle East | Emrah Sahin | MWF 5 |
EUS 3930/CPO 3614 | Eastern European Politics | Conor O'Dwyer | MWF 5 |
EUS 3930/INR 4931 | Intro to Refugee Studies | Esther Romeyn | T 8-9, R 9 |
EUS 3930/INR 4931 | International Law | Alexander Panayotov | T 2-3, R 3 |
EUS 3930/EUH 3035 | Nazi Germany | Mitch Hart | MWF 5 |
FRT 3004/EUS 3930 | Studies in Antisemitism: France | Gayle Zachmann | MWF 6 |
EUS 4210/POS 4931 | Politics and Institutions of the European Union | Asli Baysal | T 4, R 4-5 |
EUS 4930/POS 4931 | Democratic Transformations in Europe | Marcel Lewandowsky | MWF 4 |
EUS 4930/INR 4931 | European Security and the Transatlantic Alliance | Zachary Selden | MWF 7 |
EUS 4930/ARC 4930 | Sustainable Architecture | Vandana Baweja | T 8-10 |
EUS 4930/POS 4931 | Philosophy of Law | Alexander Panayotov | T 7, R 7-8 |
EUS 4930/POS 4931 | Comparative Political Institutions | Amie Kreppel | T 7, R 7-8 |
EUS 4930/LIT 4483 | Europe from the Margins | Min Ji Kang | T 8-9, R 9 |
EUS 4930 | Democratic Backsiding in Europe | Asli Baysal | T 5-6, R 6 |
CPO 3633/EUS 4930 | Politics of Russia | Bryon Moraski | MWF 3 |
EUS 6930/EUH 5934/AFH 5934 | Africans in Europe | Nancy Hunt | T 8-10 |
EUS 6930/POS 6933 | Comparative Political Institutions | Amie Kreppel | R 8-10 |
EUS 6930/ARC 6911 | Sustainable Architecture | Vandana Baweja | T 8-10 |